About Me

Growing up in the beautiful Salt Lake City valley, I found an appreciation for and inspiration from nature. As a young child, I began to discover my artistic abilities. It wasn't until my second year of college, however, that I truly developed my creative talents by taking studio art classes as electives. Shortly thereafter, I changed my major from Physical Therapy to Studio Art. The rest is history.

I studied almost every medium in art school, including graphic design, painting, sculpture and ceramics. I fell into web design when a friend of mine asked if I could design a website for his band. I responded, "Sure, I bet I can figure it out." Ever since that first web site, I haven't looked back. For the past 15 years, my focus has been creative, user-center design digital art across a wide range of digital media.

I work for a large software company at the Creative Director, UI leading the creative vision for our award-winning software platform.  I also lead the creative department and provide brand expertise and vision for the entire company.

Outside of work, I make sure to get out and enjoy the nature around me. I never pass up the opportunity to get on the trail with my best furfriend and snap some photos, go for a run or just simply relax and enjoy the beauty around us. Whether it is in trail shoes or snowshoes, in the park around the corner or miles away from anyone, you can count on me grinning from ear to ear.

I look forward to my future in design as I am always looking for a new activity to inspire my artistic abilities.